Caribbean Islands I Need To Revisit

Below are some places I have been but want to revisit for one reason or another. I'd like to focus on the unique and interesting aspects of these places the next time I visit. But most importantly get some great pics (don't ask why I have little to none). The first three destinations I have visited multiple times.


Certainly enjoyed every visit to Montego Bay, but would like to see more of the island, such as Ocho Rios, etc. And that overnight stay at the Pegasus hotel in Kingston was beyond memorable.


I have also been a few times and know one or two people there, but I would love to return because its a nice island and I really don't have any pics.

St. Vincent

Love St.Vincent and not because it was my first travel experience ever.  Though I've been a few times(and made some friends) I only have two non sharable pics. And can't wait to go to Bequia, a true spot for relaxation and long walks on the beach. Actually Bequia is a little like my idea of heaven on earth.


Due to a short stay and packed agenda I didnt see much of the country, just a little of the capital. Plus I've got no pics. So going back to this popular Caribbean island is a must.


The country has sloooowly been undergoing some changes and another visit somewhere in the future is not a bad idea. I would love to revisit Havana, but see other areas such as Camaguey, Santa Clara, etc.

What about you? What are some of the places you've been but need to revisit for some reason or another.


  1. I would love to visit any of these places! I don't have the opportunity to travel, but a girl can wish and keep playing the lottery LOL

  2. I love the Caribbean. I have been twice and it is amazing

  3. I've really only ever been to California & Florida & Georgia. Didn't get to do awhole lot in all of the above so I'd love to go back. And see more since there was so much I wanted to do but couldn't. Although I'm really wanting to go somewhere tropical next year like the Carribean, Aruba, Maldives. Somewhere warm and beautiful. I'm a single mom with an almost 2yr old daughter and I just want to travel and show her the world. I'd even love to visit Greece.

  4. I have only been to Jamaica. It was so much fun. We stayed in Negril, and loved it. I was blessed to have met some great Jamaicans that showed me the island. It was amazing to see all the sites, and even those that are not on the "tourist" agenda. Some of the nicest people I have met.

  5. I would love to go back to Aruba and the Carribean in general.

  6. I would love to visit the Carribean!

  7. I loved Cancun, Mexico & would love to go back someday! The Caribbean is the most beautiful aqua color!

  8. I would love to see this. I have traveled all over the US and Canada for business. Now I would love to travel to explore and have fun.

  9. I would love to visit these islands one day!

  10. I would love to visit one of these some day!

  11. one day I would love to go here with my hubby.. seems sooo romantic!

  12. As a food historian, I had the honor of trying authentic Boston Baked beans- in Boston MA, of course. I also somehow stumbled in on a party being held for the US Navy: CUTE looking men (probably all married, sigh) in their crisp White uniforms. I managed to snag an Admiral's autograph, had a plate of food and a cup of punch ( no it wasn't spiked), and then quietly left when I sensed I had lingered too long. I'm dying to go back.

  13. Love to travel ...visit any one of the offered places

  14. Oh I'd love to travel to any of these islands. We're thinking about a cruise but who knows if we'll ever get it accomplished!!

  15. I lived all over Europe but I need to go back to Switzerland. It's my favorite country, and go back to Italy to live with my cousins again.

  16. These are all places I would like to visit. The idea of going to Cuba scares me a little bit but it looks like such a beautiful and interesting place to visit and I hope to one day be able to.

  17. I have never been to any of those warm locals, but I did travel to Denmark about 29 years ago.
    I would love to return to visit relatives.

  18. I would love a tropical vacation !Any one of the islands would be just amazing

  19. I have been to Hawaii, and it was absolutely amazing!!!!

  20. Wow, you have been to so many places. I dream of someday traveling. I don't understand how people afford to do it. Maybe when my kids are a little older. I love seeing pics from other peoples visits though. I can live vicariously!

    1. Lets just say in order to afford some of that travelling, I didn't have a cent saved from my first job.

  21. I have never been there but I think it would be amazing. I would love to travel more.

  22. I have only been to Jamaica, but would love to go to Barbados.

  23. I would love to visit any of these places. They are on my wish-list of places to see before I die.

  24. What a lovely review of various fantastic get-aways! Thank you for posting!

  25. I have been to Ireland twice but have never been interested in going to the places you listed...I prefer Europe. Thank you!

  26. Europe is great I must agree, but when the cold hits in the dead of winter, a tropical escape is a life saver.

  27. I have never been to any of these places! You are truly blessed. Thank you for posting great read and I will use it as a dream traveling guide! Thanks again and also thank you for all that you do!

  28. I would love to visit this area. I have heard it has beautiful scenery and delicious food.

  29. I have been to the Carribean twice and was so much fun.

  30. I would love to go to any of these places, I am hoping my husband and I get a chance to travel in the future.

  31. I have never really traveled but my husband and I would love to travel to the Caribbean

  32. I would love to visit any of these places,especially Jamaica!

  33. I'd go to anyone with hubby as a couple's vacation! We aren't sun or beach people but we love to relax and enjoy new places.

  34. I've never been out of the states but often dream of tropical climes! :)

  35. I never been out of the county but i have been to many places in the US, I would love to go to Barbados

  36. I have never travelled, but my dream is to go to Italy one day.

  37. I enjoy going via cruise ships. Unpack once and visit many islands!!

  38. I've traveled cross-country in the U.S., been to Israel three times, and England once. I need to revisit England, because I only had one day in London and didn't get to see all the city's sights!

  39. I am hoping to do a Caribbean cruise for my honeymoon!!

  40. I would love to return to the Oregon coast

  41. I would love to travel to any of those. They look beautiful.

  42. I've taken trips to Montego Bay & Ocho Rios. Love, love, love Jamaica and its beauty. I can't wait to return with my boys and husband. You are welcome to browse photos from both of my trips here:

    I've been to Mexico on a cruise, but didn't really get past the touristy area. Would love to go back and fully experience Cozumel.


  43. I will be planning our family vaca to Jamaica very soon! Thanks to getting an awesome new job opportunity!!

  44. I would love to vacation at Jamaica!

  45. We havent been to the mountains since our wedding a decade ago.... I sure would love to go back.
    -Heather McKenzie Carter

  46. I went to Jamaica and Barbados as a child and thought they were both good times. :-)

  47. I miss Arizona. I moved back here and married.

  48. I have never been to any of the islands but someday I will go.

  49. I hope to go someday!

  50. I've never really ever been any where but my home state. As a child I didn't get to do a whole lot in that mentioned above so I'd love to have an opportunity. And see if from my own perception and enjoy a more memorable young-adult life. As a child I wanted to travel and enjoy life as that of an adventure but couldn't being I came from a family that didnt believe in handing things --- one must earn everything that includes the money for college. Although I'm really wanting to go somewhere exact, a tropical adventure might be a great opportunity. I've been raised by a single mom, since being 11 months old (with my sibling), only to never receive a dime of child support from our father even though it was court ordered. And being my mother is a veteran of the USA military, she never received the benefits she deserved even with an honorable discharge and I just want to travel and enjoy the world and maybe share the medical skills done by other countries. I'd even love to visit anywhere that God has planned for me!

  51. I wish I had the money to travel there.

  52. One place I'd like to re-visit is Dallas, Texas. I was there once, just on a lay-over. But, I love the energy and the spirited people there.

  53. I would love to go to Jamacia thanks for all the great information.

  54. I've never been to any of those places, but I've been to Nassau Island and it was amazing. Hawaii is definitely on my list of must see places I want to visit!

  55. I would like to revisit Italy and see some towns we didn't get to the first time around.

  56. I've never been to those places but would love to visit. I've been to Hawaii twice and loved it.

  57. Oh the places I wanna see!! This one is a must.

  58. So many choices would enjoy traveling to each place..

  59. I would love to visit the Caribbean

  60. I went to Honduras last year and I can hardly wait to go back. The country and the people were beautiful.

  61. I have never been to any of these places...but, hey, a girl can dream! Would LOVE to see the Caribbean!

  62. I want to go to Australia. That's my dream destination.

  63. I have always wanted to go to the Caribbean Islands!! Sounds wonderful. Thanks

  64. I have never been to any of those places either! I have been to Canada and Central Mexico. I really enjoyed Mexico, we traveled to all the Catholic churches within a 3 hour drive. It was beautiful.

  65. I have never been to any of these places but love the beaches of the Gulf Coast and Mexico. California Beaches or nice but much colder.

  66. I have always wanted to go to the Caribbean Islands!! Sounds wonderful.

  67. Sounds beautiful... I've never been to any of them and would love to go one day.. :) Hope you get to go back to them!

  68. When I was younger, I traveled a lot. But then life happened. I become much more settled. Now, travel is nearly impossible. I am so thankful I made an effort when I was young. Great stories, and great memories :)

  69. I would LOVE to go to Jamaica and even Cuba! Thanks for sharing!

  70. We traveled a lot in the military so I am settled for a while and happy to stay home.

  71. I've never had the opportunity to travel through the Caribbean but I used to live in Monterey, CA and I'd love to go back for a visit.

  72. How nice it would be to see the Caribbean area, but at my age that is probably not going to happen, hubby wants to go to Hawaii and I don't because I lived there and I have great memories that I don't want changed, LOL, perhaps a trip to Alaska would be great rather than our annual trip to California.

  73. ive had an unexplainable obsession with belize for a while now. i have just thought it looks beautiful and reaslly want to visit.

  74. I have never traveled out of the my state never mind country! I would love to one day. These places sound so inviting.

  75. Jamaica sounds like a blast. I know nothing about Jamaica. Only what i've seen in movies and tv shows. I'd love to visit someday!

  76. I would love to travel. With 4 stepsons plus my son, it turns very expensive very fast... so we don't go anywhere and do staycations. I always said I wanted to go to St. Croix - maybe one day...

  77. I would love to travel to St. Vincent one day!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Jamaica seems like a nice place to visit, but really, a trip to anywhere in the Caribbean would be dreamy! :)
    Thank you for hosting the gift card giveaway!

  80. Amy of those sound wonderful! The only island I've been to is St. Maarten.

  81. I would love to travel there one day, it would be fantastic!!

  82. I would love to visit any of the places you mentioned - I'd love to go back to San Antonio - there is still a few things there I'd like to visit and we didn't get to finish the Riverwalk

  83. II would love to see Crater Lake OR again.

  84. I would definitely love to spend more time in Dublin...

  85. I would definitely love to go to Jamaica

  86. I have been to Ochos Rios. It was amazing. I would love to go Barbados. And I would go back to Jamaica anytime!

  87. Isla Mujeres is a nice island off of the coast of Cancun. My husband and I stayed there for a wonderful, secluded honeymoon.

  88. I have never been to Cancun or Jamaica or any of these places most people have gone. My daughter has been to Cancun a couple of times, and loves it. She really needs another trip there with her good husband. They both deserve a trip there to rekindle their romance. They would be so happy!

  89. Awesome! We are planning our vacation after over 6 years without taking a vacation and we are thinking one of these exotic island. Maybe Jamaica, Bermuda or Aruba. Let's see. THanks

  90. I stayed in Jamaica for a week at the beginning of the year. One of the best vacations I've had. I've been to Belize and would love to go back there for more vacation time :)

  91. I have always wanted to revisit Panama City , Fla. , loved everything about this vacation!!

  92. I've never been anywhere for vacation out of state besides Florida! Would love to go to the Carribean!

  93. I would love to visit all those beautiful places

  94. I have never been to any of these places, I would love to go to the Caribbean.

  95. I've never been outside of US but would love to visit Hawaii.

  96. I have traveled to most of the 48 states and each state has something beautiful about it. But I would most love to go to Paris!

  97. Someday since our children left my husband will have to travel to beautiful places like this. :)

  98. Never been there but it looks beautiful.

  99. I've never been to an island before, I would love to see more pics!

  100. I would love to go travelling but I don't have the money or a travel companion.

  101. I want to go traveling but no money and health problems

  102. I would love to visit any of these locations

  103. Okay, I have come to this page a few times now, and more and more each time I think it is time for a Vacation!!! :)

  104. I'd love to go back to the Bahamas!

  105. I would love to revisit Paris. I haven't been since high school. I have never been to the Caribbean but you make it sound great! Hopefully you go back to get pics to share with us. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  106. I have never been out of the US but would love to visit the Caribbean and Paris.

  107. I would love to go to any of these places, I am hoping my husband and I get a chance to travel in the future. It's something that we would both love to do.

  108. I would love to stop at any of these places. I really need to take a cruise that will take me around!

  109. I've never been out of the country. I'd love to sail the Caribbean and visit all the islands.

  110. I've never visit any of the places you mentioned but they all sound amazing! I would like to visit Fiji someday!

  111. I went to Trinidad on a mission trip when I was younger, and it was amazingly beautiful. I'm not much of a traveler, though. I am quite content to go camping and explore the woods nearby, or spend the day watching the kids and animals explore together. ^_^

  112. I have never been on an airplane or out of the country. I would love to go to Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Rockies...oh and don't forget Santa Fe, New Mexico- I'm convinced I'm supposed to live there!

  113. I've been to Vietnam and Hong Kong when I was a kid and I would love to go back. My parents were born in Vietnam and Hong Kong is just a beautiful, city with lots of history and culture.

  114. I need to go to these places!


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