5 Destinations On My Travel Resolutions 2016 List

Every destination below has been on my list for years. However, I resolve to visit these destinations in 2016.

1) Paris - for the same reasons everyone wants to visit Paris. Plus, because I start planning this trip every year, but have yet to reach Paris. But hey, my very close friend is there until August, and she is French, so what better time to go.

2) Toronto - I mean really, how far is Canada from NYC that I have never been?

3) Alaska - yes, an Alaskan cruise is another one of these dream trips I keep putting off every year. Notice it's the only cruise on the list, that says something.... I really want to get on an Alaskan cruise.

4) Las Vegas - another close friend lived there for years and kept inviting me, but I never made it. However, I got a great deal, and my hotel has been booked since December, so this long overdue trip is definitely a go!

5) Miami - well it is Miami; shall I say more? Fontainebleau. Art Basel. 
Un poco de calor? 
Si, por supuesto.

So, there you have it dear readers, stay tuned for updates from these trips!

What are your travel resolutions for 2016?


  1. I would adore Alaska; my sister in law lives there and sends beautiful pics all the time to fuel my envy. Great list of places!

  2. Wow super amazing, Love Paris. I wish my dreams come to true soon and will visit Paris in next year.

  3. Las Vegas and Miami are on my list. You really should visit Paris, it's everything as what people described. I've been there few times, but never get enough of Paris.

  4. We went on an Alaskan Cruise for our 30th Anniversary. I highly recommend it. Las Vegas is a place you should visit. You should experience it at least once. Ireland and Australia are on my bucket list.

  5. My destinations would be Bermuda and South Florida. I have always wanted to go to Egypt, but not with all the war around there.

  6. I would love to go to Alaska. I don't like the cold but I love the Northern Lights, I would absolutely love to see them in person.

  7. Oh what a beautiful picture, my dream is to do to Hawaii or Paris I hope one day to make my dream come true where I can travel there and spend time relaxing on the beach at Hawaii and see the lights of Paris

  8. I would love to go to Paris! It is so beautiful! I also would like to go to Florida to go to Disney!

  9. Lol amazing to travel to any of these places will be awesome I would love to take pictures and frame them as well as make postcards and send them to family the only place I've been to so far is Las Vegas and although my parents have been to both Alaska and Paris my husband wants to take his brothers and dad to Alaska and fish for salmon I'll sponsor that.

  10. Great list. I'd love to go on an Alaskan cruise as well. Of the places on your list I've been to Paris and Miami, both when I was a teen or younger.

  11. I have become pretty much a homebody over the past several years. The thought of going out and about makes me nervous. I hate that I have gotten this way, maybe I should resolve this year to break free of that. I like your list. Alaska is amazing! I spent the summer of '81 in Barrow, which was quiet an experience. Spent time in Vegas in the 80's also, it has changed much since I have been there.

  12. Sounds like a good clear plan you have going. I'd hate Alaska myself it's just too cold.

  13. Bailey Dexter I am with you on the Paris trip, it just sound so perfect! I have been to Toronto so many time & every time there is still so much to see and do!

  14. I would love to go to Alaska We plan on pcsing there in three years. Hopefully there will be an opening. What a beautiful place to visit

  15. Alaska cruise is on my bucket list too! I went to Paris last year and you will love it. I really want to go to Thailand this year

  16. I love Las Vegas! I would like to go to Ireland.

  17. I'm not one for a Cruise... you know Titanic and all... hehehe.... but that's me. My mama use to live in Vegas so I've been there plenty of times to see her. My hubby and I like to vacation in Orlando for Universal Studios & Island of Adventure and we're going there in May... Woo hoo!

  18. Paris and Alaska are on my list too. I would love to see them with my family.

  19. Would love to take an Alaskan cruise.

  20. I'd like to add London to that list. I'm dying to see Europe. Thanks for sharing!

  21. I'd love to visit Paris. I have visited Toronto & Florida (but not Miami).

  22. This is an excellent list. I would love to visit every single one of these places. Someday I hope.

  23. Awesome choices! We're staying close to home and going to our favorite vacation places less than a 10 hour drive away - Williamsburg and Myrtle Beach!

  24. I would love to travel the world. But since I can't I want to go to my favorite place. The Great Smoky Mountains.

  25. I would love to go to iceland / and one of my favorite places to go would be texas

  26. Oh I definitely want to visit Canada... except more Vancouver than Toronto. My dream destinations are Morocco, Japan, India, and Ecuador!

  27. Paris and Vegas are on my list plus Italy, Greece, and Egypt. I've been to Miami several times. The Florida Keys were incredible! I'd love to go back to Key West.

  28. I would LOVE to visit Canada! I've never been out of the country and Canada is on the top of my list :)


  29. Going to Santa Fe for the opera in July. It's an annual trip. No others planned.

    slehan at juno dot com

  30. Love your list. Africa is on the top of mine. Australia and Italy. Must run off to buy a lottery ticket.😀

  31. Love your list. Africa is on the top of mine. Australia and Italy. Must run off to buy a lottery ticket.😀

  32. My husbands dream trip is to Alaska and we rally need to get there. We have friends in 2 different areas in Alaska that have offered us a place to stay.

  33. There are so many places that ai would love to visit! They come alive for me now in the books I read.

  34. We are going to India not Indiana,- India. We are trying to get the family together to go to Hawaii or to the Caribbean. Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

  35. Las Vegas and lose all my money

  36. My bucket list place to visit is Italy, I know i will get there one day.

  37. Sounds good like to travel to paris on day
    love it it is so lovely

  38. I'm going to the beach in South Carolina but I wish I could go to Italy.

  39. I would love to travel to Alaska. Then my second choice would be Las Vegas.

  40. Alaska and Miami are on my list too!! I hope you blog about your trips if and when you take them :) I can live vicariously through you lol!!

  41. I would love to visit Alaska. Unfortunately, my husband is in poor health so it's not in the cards for 2016

  42. always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise -- maybe someday

  43. Tucson arizona for a convention i keep wanting to go to every year but is a little too far

  44. I have always wanted to visit Miami! I was thinking about going there over spring break!

  45. Great list! I would be excited to go to any of those places! Don't know if I can make it happen in 2016 but I dream of going to Ireland!

  46. All of these are great places to visit. I would love to visit Paris and Alaska some day

  47. Elizabeth Miller-- First on my list is Arizona. My son is military and moved out there and it's been a while since I have seen him, my daughter in law, and my grandbaby so I really want to go out there. My second choice is to go back to the keys. My husband and I went there for our honeymoon in 2002 and haven't had a vacation since.

  48. I would highly recommend Alaska, it is gorgeous. France is not high on my list, I've been there, and found it very unwelcoming.

  49. My travels this year are going to be college scholarship visits...lol! Also North Carolina, which I've been to many times and home to Wisconsin but this time we're taking my hubby to House on the Rock! I can't believe he's never been!

    Paris is great and Vegas was interesting. New York, surprisingly, was better.

  50. I would love to travel,but this year I am staying close to home, except to visit my new grandchildren.

  51. Wow, that's quite a list you have! I have a work trip coming up in May and will be able to extend it and have my husband join me.

  52. You plan to go to some interesting destinations. Pack light and enjoy the trips!

  53. I would like to be able to take my family to Disney in Florida. I hope to be able to afford to do this someday soon. Until I can my travel resolutions will be just small day trips making memories close by.

  54. I always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise. Now days it scares me because of all the food poisoning.

  55. Your plans are very exciting! We don't have any big plans for travel in 2016. I think we might go to the beach.

  56. That's a nice list you have there. I would be happy with any one of those trips. I don't have any travel plans in place for this year, but I would love to visit Vancouver.

  57. We live about 3 hours from Vegas, had haven't taken a trip there in years. Sometime this year, we plan on using our My Vegas rewards (Facebook game). And, hopefully, I'll be traveling for work to PA (and will get some free time to enjoy the sites as well!).

  58. that is a good list of places to go in 2016. i live in florida and i would love to visit miami also. it is cold here this weekend and a weekend down in miami would be nice.

  59. I would love to win the $50 paypal giveaway. And just as you asked I made two sentences. =)

  60. Unfortunately, I just don't have funds for taking trips. Not to mention that I have four dogs and three cats, so going away for more than a weekend at a time is difficult. I'm not complaining. I love my furbabies and love spending time with them at home. I do have some dream destinations that I would love to be able to visit before I die. Egypt, Austria (where my father is from), Germany, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. I'd also love to take a photo safari in Africa. Doubtful any of these will actually happen, but I can dream.

  61. I want to go with you. These sound like wonderful places to visit. Unfortunately I won't be going any time soon. I live on a limited income. I will be looking forward to your sharing the experience

  62. would love to visit anywhere but Tennessee. Hint: Guess where I live?

  63. Great destination choices but for me I'd love to go to Greece and Ireland. Except I hate planes.

  64. Great destination choices but for me I'd love to go to Greece and Ireland. Except I hate planes.

  65. I would love to visit South Korea and Japan.

  66. I've been to Alaska and would suggest flying into Anchorage and tracking up to Denali and down to the Kenai Peninsula. Drive the look from Anchorage to Fairbanks and easy to Wrangell National Park. Go in July since its the best time to visit Debali NP. I want to visit Key West. Never been that fat South in Florida and would love to visit.

  67. Paris is the only one I am truly interested in, but I would love to go to Ireland or Germany-our heritages. I don't like cold too much, so unless I can tie it to something affiliated with us, Mama isn't going haha

  68. Yours is a great list! I, however am constrained by both financial and time. For me, I would be happy to visit NOva Scotia in 2016.

  69. I would love to visit Australia or England. I love their voices.

  70. I need to make one of these. We love to travel but been hard with a newborn.

  71. I'd love to go traveling one day! I really want to go see Alaska eventually!

  72. I would love to travel, but probably won't this year with a newborn.

  73. I would love to visit Alaska too. It always looks so beautiful in any picture I've seen.
    Vegas is awesome! I got to go last Spring and it was a blast!!

  74. Very nice list! I would love to visit them all as well! I do hope to visit Las Vegas myself one day!

  75. I have wanted to go to Paris since I was a little girl! I will get there one day I hope! :)

  76. I have wanted to go to Paris since I was a little girl! I will get there one day I hope! :)

  77. Ohhhh la la...I'd love to go to Paris.

  78. My bucket list place to visit is Italy. I know I will get there one day.

  79. I would love to visit Paris also, that would be fun. And I would also like to visit Italy as long as I was visiting Europe.

  80. To date I do not have any reservations made for any trips in 2016 but that is subject to change. I'm glad you have made arrangements for one trip and have listed others that you plan to take not one day but in 2016. That's a great start.

  81. there is no way could travel to so many destinations in one year due to time and money constrictions. we have decided to go to the beaches turks and caicos resort in 2017.

  82. I would love to travel, I have not traveled anywhere or flew in a plane either. I would enjoy Alaska as well as the hot areas I love to travel but just scared too. But want to start

  83. I would love to travel, I have not traveled anywhere or flew in a plane either. I would enjoy Alaska as well as the hot areas I love to travel but just scared too. But want to start

  84. Substitute Rio for Las Vegas (I've already been) and we're pretty much on the same page.

  85. I would love to take the family to Hawaii! http://www.rebeccakrusee.com

  86. I would love to take the family to Hawaii! http://www.rebeccakrusee.com

  87. I would love for Mike and I to plan a short trip to a log cabin in the Poconos, PA, I think we would have such a nice romantic getaway!! This is a place we both want to go to and have never been.

  88. Interesting but I wanna hear more why you want to visit those places. As for myself, would love to visit India. Also an exotic beach area, but thats just a dream


  89. I want to travel to Australia. However, for this year I think I'm just shooting for DisneyWorld

  90. Great travel destinations that you would like to go on. I would love to visit Ireland someday myself.

  91. Yes, Alaska and Las Vegas sound like a great plan to go, I would also like NY and yes Miami. Philadelphia would also sound like a nice place to go.

  92. Alaska and Las Vegas do sound like good places to visit. I would add Florida and NYC to the list, also Pittsburgh.

  93. I've wanted to visit Paris for a while now.

  94. These sound great! I wasn't interested in Canada, and then we visited Epcot this last month and saw the 360 degree movie about Canada. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was! We're hoping to get to Alaska this year to visit some family, and maybe Las Vegas to visit some more family. It's hard to get everywhere we'd love to go.

  95. I would also love to visit Paris. I have dreamed of this since I was a child.

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  97. If money were no object, I'd love to go to New York City, Boston or Cape Cod, Miami, New Orleans, England, Ireland, Germany, Norway, Italy, Spain, or Australia. Those are just a few places I can think of right now.

  98. We too plan on going on an Alaskan cruise in the next couple of years. We hope to visit Hawaii next year.

  99. I love these five destinations that you have chosen. I also would love to go to Tahiti, because I would love to see the Caribbean Sea.

  100. This is a great list of travel destinations! I would especially like to visit Paris.

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